Under The Sea 歌詞
The human world it s a mess.
Under the sea 歌詞. Naturally naturally ee ee ee even the sturgeon and the ray. 海の下 nobody beat us fry us and eat us in fricassee. Even the sturgeon an the ray they get the urge n start to play we got the spirit you got to hear it under the sea. 歌詞getに登録されている歌詞は サイト内に表示されている各著作権管理団体の許諾を得て掲載されています 登録されている歌詞を各著作権団体の許諾を得ず掲載する事は禁止されております jasrac許諾番号 9011645001y38026 コピナビ許諾番号 x000355b01l イーライセンス許諾番号 id09348.
They get the urge and start to play. We off the hook we got no troubles life is the bubbles under the sea under the sea since life is sweet here we got the beat here naturally. The newt play the flute the carp play the harp the plaice play the bass. Under the sea 歌詞 ariel listen to me.
Under the sea 歌詞 the seaweed is always greener in somebody else s lake you dream about going up there but that is a big mistake just look a. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there the sea. They re sad because they in. Disneyさんの under the sea the little mermaid 歌詞です うたまっぷ 歌詞の無料検索表示サイトです 歌詞全文から一部のフレーズを入力して検索できます 最新j pop曲 tv主題歌 アニメ 演歌などあらゆる曲から自作投稿歌詞まで 約500 000曲以上の歌詞が検索表示できます 作詞スクール.
Take it from me up on the shore they work all day out in the sun they slave away while we re devoting full time to floating under the sea. Down here all the fish is happy as off through the waves they roll the fish on the land ain t happy. Under the sea darling it s better down where it s wetter. We what the land folks loves to cook under the sea we off the hook.
Under the sea under the sea under the sea under the sea since life is sweet here we got the beat here. We ve got no troubles life is the bubbles. We ve got the spirit you ve got to hear it.