Thank You For Your Attention
I want you to draw your attention into your heart chakra and to acknowledge the divine goddess inside of you and to acknowledge the divine god inside of you and then i want you to go even deeper and to find the inner child and to bring him or her out into the light of the new day and to allow this exquisite being to see.
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention and i thank god for having been at my side for having made me humble and for giving me the opportunity to collaborate with him in helping the most deprived people just as saint vincent taught us to do. Thank you for your attention and i thank god for having been at my side for having made me humble and for giving me the opportunity to collaborate with him in helping the most deprived people just as saint vincent taught us to do. Dict cc übersetzungen für thank you for your attention im englisch deutsch wörterbuch mit echten sprachaufnahmen illustrationen beugungsformen.
Lernen sie die übersetzung für thank you for your attention in leos englisch deutsch wörterbuch.