Sorry We Were Unable To Deliver Your Message To The Following Address Yahoo
There are many reasons this could have happened.
Sorry we were unable to deliver your message to the following address yahoo. Sorry your message to auleina yahoo it cannot be delivered. Depending on the reason you can see what the problem was then do what you need to resolve the problem. Sorry your message to auleina yahoo it cannot be delivered. Unable to deliver message to the following address es.
If the person does not log in at all during the four months then the account is deactivated. Hier ist die mail. Message from yahoo it. If you read the message it sent you will be able to see why it was not able to be delivered.
This informs you that the mail you sent was not able to be delivered. Someone had the e mail address before and then deleted there account. Unable to deliver message to the following address es. This account has been disabled or discontinued 102.
This account has been disabled or discontinued 102. Hier ist die mail.