She Her Her Hers 文法
2014 05 05 her 和hers有什么区别 分别在什么情况下使用 2012 10 13 her和hers的区别.
She her her hers 文法. It means that if you refer to me using a pronoun instead of my name that you can use she for example if dana goes by she pronouns you could say dana went to the library or she went to the library often people make. Those ideas are hers. I like both her and her ideas. 1 679 likes 3 talking about this.
Her和hers有什么 5261 区别 1 her 既可以 表示 4102 她的 也是she的宾格形式 hers表示她的 she的物 1653 主代 词 例句 i listen to her carefully 我认真地听她说话 作she的宾格形式 2 her形容词性的后面需加名词 hers是名词性的就不需要加名词了. 她的聲音是眾多聲音中的一個 但它會被聽到 hers her voice 她的聲音詞 it her voice 下面表格同時列出人稱代名詞與所有格代名詞 最右邊一欄是所有格代名詞. She pronouns she is a writer and wrote that book herself. 2011年結成の3人組 founded in 2011 she her her hers is a three piece indie band from japan.
2017 11 17 her跟hers的区别用法在哪里 2013 12 25 hers和her用在什么地方是什么意思啊 2011 11 24 her和hers有什么区别. 先行詞 each girl 是單數 後面的代名詞必須與它的先行詞的 數 與 性 一致 所以要用 her 不. She her her hers. I ve been wearing a button on my name badge at work that says she her hers for about two weeks.
Each girl wore her uniform. いろいろな英文を読んでいると he が his になったり she が her になっている文章を見かけるだろう ではどういう時に he でどういう時に his なんだよ というのを紹介する これは日本語訳した時にどういう意味になるかで覚えると良い 同様に i my me mine you your. Hers is only one voice among many but it will be heard. Our lgbt business resource group distributed them at a recent meeting.